Messerchmitt 109 G-2 manual
This document is based on the Finnish version "Messerchmitt Bf 109 G-2, Käyttö- ja huolto-ohjeet" of the original manual "Bf 109 G-2, Bedienungsvorschrift - FI (Juli 1942), Messerchmitt A.G." The manual outlines the operation and maintenance of the Bf 109 G-2 in the Finnish Air Force in the 1940s. This document has not been, to author's knowledge, a "Pilot's Handbook" on how to fly the Bf 109 G-2 but a manual mainly for technical personnel in the Finnish Air Force.
This document originally published in March 1943 by the State Aircraft Factory.
Translation of the original document by Mika Ganszauge, 1999, aka Banzai / VLeLv Icebreakers.
Read the document - english - zipped file, PDF-format.